Because of the need for readiness, MOUT (Mounted Operations in Urban Terrain) sites,
(CACTF) Combined Arms Collective Training Facilities sites, and shoot-houses have specific requirements.
We work with you to determine the specific need for the goal you are attempting to achieve. We design the individual system with you. the system will incorporate state-of-the-art technology to provide integrated target systems, audio effects, video surveillance and feedback in addition to smoke, lighting, pyrotechnic controls and more as needed. After Action Review (AAR) is streamline and quick to retrieve.
SSI offers complete design and build from start to finish of MOUT/CACTF control and
surveillance systems. This system is unique to your application.

Hit count data is collected and stored for scoring and grading purposes. Training scenarios can be programmed by the operator at the control computer as, when noises happen, when lights go out, when pyro is executed. A wireless handheld controller can be integrated to execute other commands in or out of current executed scenario.
Following is a partial list of controls that can be incorporated into the system.
— Scenario Based (Aircraft flying over buildings to dogs barking)
— Intercom System
— PA System
— Instant (AAR) Feedback
— Video Scenario Integration with Motion Sensors
— Wireless Technology Integration Capable
— Door and Vent Operation, Status and Control
— Smoke Generators
— Smoke Evacuation Controls
— Lighting Controls
— Pyrotechnics Controls
— Scent Generator Controls